The second volume of the Commentaries on the Song of Songs is dedicated to the analysis and interpretation of three verses from Holy Scripture, namely the verses 4-6 of the first chapter of the Song of songs. In absolute continuity with the mystical and theological principles laid out in the first volume (God became Man so that man could love God in a human way), the author reaps all the fruit that he can from his profound description of what it really means to love and to be in love, with a view to benefitting the spiritual life both of the individual and of the Church as a whole. Topics which are important to the man of today such as Happiness, the purpose of life, the meaning of death for a human person, a knowledge of the causes of historical development; or present issues that have given rise to much discussion in reference to the Second Vatican Council, such as Liberation Theology, ecumenism, a true and a false version of feminism, Matrimony as a Sacrament and the seriousness of divorce, the infiltration of Protestant Theology in Catholic Theology, the lack of vocations to the priesthood and the consecrated life, the promotion of the laity and the identity crisis of priests, among others; all these things find their logical explanation within that wonderful reality that is human/divine love. This work is an analysis of today's world from the point of view of God's Revelation.
Divided into three parts, each being subdivided successively into three chapters, this book draws the reader in from the very beginning by deepening our understanding of verse 4a of the Song of Songs --"Draw me in your footsteps, let us run.”-- A truly profound doctrine on what it means to be a follower of Christ is laid out clearly and with an abundance of support from Holy Scripture, with a view to counter the grave crisis of ideals in modern youth. The author dedicates himself entirely to this task in the following chapters from the first part: “In the steps of Jesus Christ”, “The urgency of Love”, and “In the steps of the Master once again”. The explanations which A. Gálvez gives to help us unravel the mystery of Joy, as understood from the perspective of Divine Love, acquire a unique substance in the second part of the book, with the chapters: “Towards the chamber of the king”, “More about Christian Joy”, and “From Joy lost to Joy recovered”. Finally, his commentaries on one of the most difficult verses to interpret from the Song of Songs, namely that of “I am very dark, but lovely, O daughters of Jerusalem” make the three final chapters of the third part (“The immaculate bride”, “The solitude of the bride (Part One)”, and “The solitude of the bride (Part Two)”) truly an anthological work of Mystical and Spiritual Theology.
With this book, the author concludes his commentary on the Song of Songs. Although he has limited himself to analyzing the first few verses of the first chapter, quotes from the other chapters are so abundant, plentiful, and commented that it can be said without fear of error that both volumes constitute a near exhaustive commentary on the Holy Book.
Commentaries on the Song of Songs - Volume Two
In order to adapt the works of Fr. Alfonso Gálvez to new technologies and formats, these second editions have been made in which the text is the same as the first edition, except for the corrected errors.